Happy Thanksgiving!

centerpieceThanksgiving is minimally commercial, crosses all religions and creeds and has a universal theme. That’s why it’s my favorite holiday of the year. No matter how rough life gets, there is always something to be thankful for. I’m not disciplined enough to keep a daily gratitude journal like so many people recommend. But, at least once a year, I can come up with a list. Can you quickly name ten things you are thankful for? Here’s my list.

I’m thankful Fry’s Food Store is open on Thanksgiving and has turkey roasters in stock. Why? When your oven glass shatters the night before, move to Plan B. (Bonus last minute gratitude)

oven glassI’m thankful for four grocery stores near my house. The original Thanksgiving dinner was much more work to grow, hunt, prepare and cook food. The most physical labor I do for food is lugging the heavy groceries in from the car to the kitchen.

I’m thankful for a husband and children who help with dinner and clean-up. I doubt the original Pilgrim men offered to help with either. The true helpers were the Indians who brought extra food and helped prepare it.

roasterI’m thankful for gorgeous Arizona weather which means Thanksgiving morning is a great time for a hike or bike ride after the turkey is in the oven.

I’m thankful for 24-hour pharmacies and hospital staff who work on holidays, for those unscheduled accidents and ear infections.

I’m thankful for our military men and women who serve 24/7 worldwide  – and families who adjust to nine-month deployments, or longer.

I’m grateful there are no hidden cameras for some of my clumsier moments.

I’m grateful for vision that I can read, write, drive and enjoy watching people’s expressions. I’m grateful for hearing that I can listen to music all day long.

I’m grateful for my friends who have put up with my awkward moments, missteps and foot-in-the-mouth comments – and are still my friends.

I’m grateful for the GPS and maps function on my phone since I can get lost easily. I’m even more grateful now that I learned out to turn it on.

I’m thankful for the serendipity of a) unexpectedly being asked to write for the newspaper 15 years ago; b) receiving a phone tip about a Polish gentleman with a great story, and c) knowing my friend Nancy Zguda for 11 years, may she rest in peace.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

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Tags: About Katrina, Just for Fun

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