September 1 - 75th Anniversary of Nazi Invasion

September 1, 1939 remains a dark day in Poland’s history. No nation would endure more, or lose more of her population during six years of occupation 1939 – 1945. Adam Zamoyski, in his tome “The Polish Way” described it as follows: 

On 1 September some 1.8 million German troops invaded from three sides: East Prussia in the north, Germany in the west, and Slovakia in the South. They were supported by 2,600 tanks, of which the Polish army boasted barely 180, and over 2,000 aircraft which quickly wrested control of the skies from the 420 planes of the Polish Air Force. The Polish Army had neither the equipment nor the training to stand up to this hurricane of armour.  

Hans Frank declared that Poland declared that the concept of Poland would be erased from the human mind, and that those Poles who were not exterminated would survive only as salves within the new German Empire.  The process began at once. 
Poland fought continuously until the bitter end, only to fall under communist rule. Six million civilian Poles lost their lives under both Nazis and Soviets; half the dead were Jewish. Poland was left with one million war orphans and a half million invalids. The country would lose 38 per cent of her national assets compared to the .08 percent France lost. Retreating Germans dynamited everything they could. 

James A. Michener put it perfectly, when he coined the following phrase for the prologue to his 1983 novel Poland. “That Poland survived so many fatal reverses was a testimony to its volatile spirit of freedom.” 
