Polish film 'Ida' has gone mainstream

Ida, a foreign-language film made in Poland has come to mainstream US theater.

My oldest son is a film buff, so he invited me to a showing of ‘Ida,’ a foreign-language film made in Poland. Foreign and artsy films have to be especially intriguing, as the only theater in town that shows them is a long drive from my house. I have to admit I’ve seen French films with subtitles, German with subtitles and Chinese with subtitles (my husband is a Bruce Lee fan.) But it’s the first Polish film I’ve heard of in a mainstream theater, that also has very good current reviews.

I was intrigued, of course, because it takes place in 1960’s communist Poland. The black and white film touches on several human and historical themes of Poland that could be universal to other countries. However, if you are planning to visit Poland – DON’T see this film. It depicts a drab, gray, cold land of unhappy people, with more silence than dialogue, more human contrasts than action. It’s meant to be thought-provoking, not joyful. While the grayness may be an accurate metaphor for communist Poland, and trigger artistic discussion, it is a reminder of why Henry was determined to someday see the land of Elvis and Tom Mix. 

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