Henry's Story will be told in Friendship

Why keep writing, and writing, and writing? I’ve been asked what is it that has kept me committed, or rather kept me recommitting to this story of a serendipitous friendship. Just what made Henry so special above others? My recent ‘Aha’ moment is that meeting Henry and Nancy Zguda came at a difficult time in my life, when I was dealing

with the stresses of an aging parent and the concurrent Solomon’s choice of three young children. Conversely every time I visited the Zguda home it was like a breath of fresh air, a happy atmosphere I just wanted to soak up and take home with me.  Based on recent advice from multiple people, that friendship is going to be woven into the final story, for the friendship and subsequent life lessons are part of the story, not unlike a variation on Tuesdays with Morrie.

I can’t explain the chemistry between Henry and me, but it was there, and by association came to include Nancy. Despite some of the brutal, brutal stories Henry told me, I always wanted to know more, and Henry answered anything I asked. Nancy took me aside once, after the project was under way.  ‘You know doll (she always called me doll in her Brooklyn accent), several people have offered to write Henry’s story through the years. He said no to every one of them. He only said yes to you. You’re the one he liked. He thinks you’re just wonderful.’ 

Every blog post is one step closer to a finished manuscript, that hopefully will wow publishers, agents and readers alike and sell like hot cakes. (Heh, a girl can dream.) I now need to focus as much time as possible on the final manuscript and book proposal so that I can reach that moment where I can say ‘Done! and Published!’  and I raise my Polish vodka high to Henry.
I’m on an ambitious schedule to get ready for a writer’s conference in August, in New York City. I want to take this story, and see what kind of reaction I get, what kind of connections I can make. To get ready for that, the frequency of posts will be going down from daily to three times a week. Please keep reading and checking back. Any additional thoughts?  Please feel free to e-mail directly. 