Happy Thanksgiving 2015

thanksgiving1Thanksgiving remains one of my favorite, unsung holidays. The spirit of thanksgiving crosses all cultures, even if they celebrate in different ways and at different times. I haven’t learned many languages, but of one thing I’m certain – every language has a word for thankful.

I’m not a poet, and I know it. But here’s something anyone can do. Quick, without thinking, list ten things you’re thankful for. Perhaps you can only list five. Or maybe it’s hard to think of one.  But if you start the list now, you still have three days before Thanksgiving to think of more, when someone is bound to ask you “say something you are grateful for.”

thanksgiving2T is for turkey, and trimmings and the timing  to be ready at the same time.
H is for hiking, help with dishes and harmony with those who test us
A is for apple pie, advance planning and a relaxed atmosphere sublime
N is for not nagging picky eaters, letting all  ‘njoy the feast in consensus
K is for kinship, kindness and keeping world news turned off for a time.
S is for stuffing, stuffed tummies and enough food for all of us
G is for gravy, green beans, and grandparents, yours and mine
I is for ice cream on warm apple pie, following a dinner that’s flawless
V is for visitors, welcomed, enjoyed, and sent home with food divine
I is for instigating fun and inspiring a glad attitude of graciousness
N is for neighbors, known and unknown, that we can live respectful and refined
G is for game day, or movies, and the last peaceful day before the holiday rush.

Dziękuję Bardzo.  Vielen Dank.  Merci beaucoup. Grazie mille. Thank you very much.

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