Did you know? . . . .

1.  How many Poles died during six years of occupation 1939 – 1945? 

a.   2.7 million
b.   6 million
c.   4.5 million
d.   1.5 million

2.  Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939.  When did the Soviets (Russia) invade Poland? 

a.  January 1, 1942
b. The Soviets never invaded Poland
c.  September 17, 1939
d.  July 4, 1940

3.  The Blessed John Paul II is from which Polish city/cities?

a. Katowice
b. Warsaw
c.  Krakow
d.  Wadowice

1. b; 2. c; 3. c & d. He was born in Wadowice, but moved to Krakow as an adult.

