Now I have a German fighting rooster. He was wild, he lives in the tree, anytime I pass he attacks me. So I kick him. He was a German fighting rooster. So, what I did, he bite me on the legs, so I kick him over the trees. Finally I stop him. He get his ultimate destination. We have plenty of guys taking care of the sheeps [sic] . They have heavy dogs. This idiot rooster attacked the dog; the dog attacked his one leg, and “caw, caw, caw, caw, caw” and he goes home on one leg.

And I have a cat, and the cat and rooster were not friendly. If I feed the rooster, the cat was out. If I put out milk from the peasants, the cat comes.
The name of the tourist cabin was Roztoka was on the level like over the little, fast stream, that in the summer. Beginning of the summer was full of water from the snow, we are at 2-3,000 feet. The Rostoka was there, and on the other side of stream was the beginning of the Mountain, very tall mountain, all covered with snow, snow, snow.
In the winter, I have no visitors, except for people escaping through the pass. Except I have the Russian guard, who was about a mile down in a field like that, they were 2-3 days on the skis, I have two guards come to see me. “Did you see the Polaks go through?” “No, I was cleaning the windows.” But a few times they come to visit me. I give them vodka and they treat me ok. – Henry Zguda.
Note – I really wasn’t sure how to spell ‘Roztoka’, or whether it was a general term (like inn), or a proper name like “Hotel Roztoka.” Then I found the spelling on the back of the rooster photo. Just for fun I entered ‘Roztoka Zakopane’ into the search engine. The ‘Willa Roztoka’ shows up immediately as a popular and beautiful place to stay in Zakopane. (‘Willa’ is pronounced ‘Villa.’)
Also – in looking up ‘fighting’ roosters – the ones with long, fluffy, black tail feathers as Henry described to me are large – and have been bred to fight – similar to cock fights. So I can see where a ‘wild’ fighting rooster could be annoying and difficult to have around.
Also – in looking up ‘fighting’ roosters – the ones with long, fluffy, black tail feathers as Henry described to me are large – and have been bred to fight – similar to cock fights. So I can see where a ‘wild’ fighting rooster could be annoying and difficult to have around.