Henry Becomes a Refugee from Communism

Henry Zguda was interrogated as to why he defected from Poland.
For about a week we were interrogated as to our intentions for leaving Poland. They were very suspicious of us, as we were considered from the ‘center or mouth’ of the army.  We were army coaches, traveled in the attention and limelight, and should have been closely connected to party sources. But Leon and I explained simply we were ready for the West, and didn’t want to be pressured into joining the communist party.

Slagboom helped us, and after a while we were cleared through. Leon and I were given a nice room in a Catholic shelter for refugees, There were everyone there – Yugloslav, Romanian, Poles. They gave us a little bit of money to live on, and Slagboom referred me to friends for a job.- Henry Zguda

Comment – If you notice the refugee card, the language is French. 
Photo is of Henry’s refugee card.  The original was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2004. 

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